Cybersecurity Podcasts

When we talk about sources that keep us updated on security trends and news, we often mention cybersecurity blogs. However, many people often overlook another excellent source of knowledge — podcasts.

Personally, I prefer to listen to podcasts while driving or during long walks, as I can focus on 1-1.5 hours of content. There are two different types of cybersecurity podcasts I enjoy: entertaining and educational (though, honestly, most are a mix of both). I have a list of favorite podcasts and episodes that I regularly listen to, and I wanted to share it with the community to highlight the efforts authors put into keeping their content alive and to attract more listeners to these talented creators. Don’t take this is a ranking — just a list of my favorite podcasts that I listen to on a weekly basis:

Darknet Diaries
This is where it all started—my first podcast, talented host Jack Rhysider about “true stories from the dark side of the internet” (c). Oh, and the thumbnails of the episodes are very cooool and stylish, even I bought a couple of T-shirts with this design
1) Episode 126: REvil
The history behind one of the most infamous and profitable ransomware group

2) Episode 111: ZeuS
One of the most famous banking trojan, rise and fall

3) Episode 72: Bangladesh Bank Heist
The most famous Lazarus hack, which almost allowed to steal close to US$1 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York account belonging to Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh;

4) Episode 65: PSYOP
Amazing episode on how military performs Psychological Operations and make people think, what they actually don’t want to think

5) Episode 64: The Athens Shadow Games
Quite a hack of Vodafone Greece, but this was just a tip of the iceberg. James Bond style story with a chilling twist in the end

6) Episode 54: NotPetya
A cyberattack on Ukraine’s infrastructure, comparable to a natural disaster in terms of immediate impact and consequences.

7) Episode 53: Shadow Brokers
Not completely sure, but I think it was the first episode I’ve listened long time ago. Infamous hack and leak of Equation Group arsenal (EternalBlue etc.). Still gives me goose bumps over the back.

8) Episode 50: Operation Glowing Symphony
The story about how cyber operations capable of supporting direct action operations on the ground and in the air, how the US hacked ISIS and conducted Operation Glowing Symphony.

9) Episode 35: Carbanak
The group, who made financial motivated hacking real

10) Episode 30: Shamoon
The first of its kind wiping attack against ARAMCO, biggest oil producer in the world from Saudi Arabia, where Iran was behind the whole situation

11) Episode 29: Stuxnet
I believe, no description is needed, right?

12) Episode 28: Unit 8200
The citadel of intelligence and the fabric of the most talented cybersecurity specialists in the world from Israel Defense Forces, responsible for covert operations and all types of cyberwarfare engagements

Security Conversations
A newly launched podcast, curated by talented host Ryan Naraine, and joined by not less
experienced and professional Costin Raiu and Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade. Without a doubt, best conversational-type podcast out there. Moderately entertaining and educational in the same time. Episodes are every Friday, where three friends discuss the latest news and trends. Literally every episode worth to be in all ears. Amazing opportunity to learn on how smart people think and discussing.

mnemonic security podcast (mnemonic)
In my opinion, this is the hidden gem of all security podcasts! High-quality production, great guests, and an impressive background — just check out the level of professionalism!

Background is cool, told you

Discarded (ProofPoint)
Not gonna lie, one of the best education podcasts with top-notch security researches telling interesting facts and best practices in threat research

Here are a few other amazing podcasts worth mentioning and listening to:
Adversary Universe Podcast (CrowdStrike)
Beers with Talos Podcast (Cisco Talos)
DFIR Reports Podcast (DFIR Reports)
The Defender’s Advantage Podcast (Google Cloud)

In conclusion, cybersecurity podcasts are badass, allowing you to be in trends, even when you are on the go. They are immersive and alive, cool example is one of the Beers with Talos Podcast episodes, where hosts rapid-fire interview a bunch of Talos employees who happened to be around the Maryland office.