Cybersecurity Podcasts

When we talk about sources that keep us updated on security trends and news, we often mention cybersecurity blogs. However, many people often overlook another excellent source of knowledge — podcasts. Personally, I prefer to listen to podcasts while driving or during long walks, as I can focus on 1-1.5 hours of content. There are … Read more


I LOVE video games. Actually, video games is something that brought me in to the world of information technologies and eventually, cybersecurity. Everything have started from self-hosting Counter-Strike 1.6 game servers for the friends and friends of friends. Every step was a certain challenge at that time: config files, network, NATing, ports, buying static IP … Read more

What is (Cyber) Threat Intelligence?

I want to start sharing my thoughts on Threat Intelligence as a domain. Please don’t take my thoughts as only one truth. I could be wrong in details, but my notes should generally be close to reality. From participating in discussions, listening to others, reading group chats, and commenting on social media, many people misunderstand … Read more